Sunday, September 27, 2009

Friendship Lost

I remember the time not long ago
When we laughed and shared it all
We were the very best of friends
Or at least that’s what I thought.
I often wonder why friendships end
What happens to sever that tie
How can someone once so close
Just wave you off with a good bye
I must have been lacking
I must have been wrong
I wasn’t the friend to you
That you were to me all along.
I thought I was loyal
I know I was true
But something went wrong
Now there’s nothing to do
A friendship lost
Is a very sad thing
The angels weep instead of sing.
Some misunderstanding make our friendship lost.Where is the love go?where is the friendship gone?Wondering what is actually happened?
I thought of our friendship will last till end of our life.But now......
No one can help the misunderstanding between us.Maybe is my wrong,and is my fault,but does't mean that she are right all the time.
Best Friend?Who can tell me best friend are meant for what?
Now the question on my mind,Is the friendship really lost from us?Will our relationship gone just like this?

Saturday, September 26, 2009


Have you ever woken up crying?
Have you ever dreamed of how it felt
When you're flying?
Do you catch yourself feeling
Like you can't control
Who you are?
When the days are long
And the weekends are short
The dreams are bad
And the mind is unaware
You find yourself
Waking up sleeping
Dreaming of dreaming
Making your life last
For as long as you can
Do you think about tomorrow
And all of the sorrow that night might bring
Do you remember when it didn't matter?
When the sun was just a star
When the world was clean,
And the air was cool
Have you ever woken up crying?

Friday, September 25, 2009

Happy Birthday

June(me) and grandmom

Joanna and birthday queen

Bonnie,Joey,Cat,Joanne,Birthday Queen,June,Jenny,Steven,Frennie,Yvonne,David
This are all apart of our family,the rest shy to face the camera,HE....HE.....

Look,how happy she is.

Now,still singing the birthday song,but is in chinese.My aunty and uncle(elder daughter and son) taking picture with their mom.
This cake actually is for 3 of them,because they born in the same month.
Look at my uncle,(silly uncle) too late to post.HE.....HE......

Singing Birthday song while my cousin sister (Ling) taking the cake out

This is "sau pau"(chinese)
Mean that in 1 big bun,inside contain many of little bun.Represent their children and grandchildren.
"Can you see?"

Instead of counting candles,
Or tallying the years,
Contemplate your blessings now,
As your birthday nears.
Consider special people
Who love you, and who care,
And others who’ve enriched your life
Just by being there.
Think about the memories
Passing years can never mar,
Experiences great and small
That have made you who you are.
Another year is a happy gift,
So cut your cake, and say,
"Instead of counting birthdays,
I count blessings every day!"

We knew that to live in the earth is not easy,live together with human more difficult.Life is like a bungee jump, it bring us lot of challenge but it also will cause dead.Depend on how you plan your way to make your life more colourful and beautiful.Sometimes you complain tired when you walk for the whole day in a mall,or not even half of the day,but remember?We have to walk for the whole life,we did do counting everyday,every second and minute we are counting the time.Yes,to stay happy in your life for the 1st 18 years,you are lucky.Parent are angel here to protect their children.Think of the next 82 years more you have to face the world.No one going to help you,and draw the road/map for you,everything is by your own.Now,to live up to 72 years is not easy as you think.This lady do walk for 72 years,do you think she is tired?Yes,she do.But with her proud,she success to bring her children up for love, caring, aducation, family and more.To appreciate her courage and dauntless,her children and grandchildren now pay her back with all of their caring and love.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Breathe without word

I write for the same reason I breathe
If I didn't I would die
Without words to express myself
Life is a broken winged bird that can't fly

I write my soul down word for word
I write things I could never say
Without this method of expression
I would cry every day

I try to forget all the regret
Or else life is mine to miss
Without saying what I truly feel
Then I'll always stay like this

So I write for the same reason I breathe
It's so that bird can fly up to the sky
I need to rise higher and higher
And finally stop asking why

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Dear parents and the childrens.

Understand this poem

We're young
Anything is possible.
Newly married - need a job
We're young, we're strong
Anything will do.
Years go by, children come
One, two, three and a dog
We're still young, we're still strong
Anything is where we are.
Children grow - school, sports
Cars, friends, travel all cost
We're not young, we're still strong
Anything is harder to find
Whatever is all we are.
Children gone - memories remainDownsized - too old, let go
Is anything still possible?
Start anew, can't learn, can't grow
Not young, not strong
Anything now nothing at all.